We welcome you to dedicate your gift to be recognized by our community.
- $50,000- Named Teachers
- Resource Room (only 1 available)
- $50,000- Named meeting room within library (only 1 available)
- $25,000- Dedication on main library wall
- $18,000-Dedication in library meeting room
- $10,000-Dedication listing at library opening event materials
- $1,000- 5 Bookplate dedications
- $36- 1 Bookplate dedication
*Gifts above $1,000 receive 5 bookplate dedications
*Gifts above $10,000 will be recognized in library opening event materials
*Gifts $18,000+ will be recognized in the library meeting room (wall or other), if not for named room
For questions, contact Tamar Jacobson at 734-971-4633 x103 or Tjacobson@hdsaa.org.
Click to donate!