Greg Saltzman, Alumni Parent
What do you love most about Hebrew Day School?
HDS provides an academically challenging but emotionally supportive environment for the kids and a sense of community for the families.
Why did you choose Hebrew Day School for your child(ren)?
I wanted to immerse my children in Jewish culture and give them a positive Jewish identity.
In what ways have you seen your child grow and develop as a result of their experience at Hebrew Day School?
The classes in HDS are fast-paced. My kids had to learn to manage their time to get their school work done.
In what ways has Hebrew Day School prepared your child(ren) for their next school?
Although HDS devotes a substantial fraction of the school day to Hebrew and Judaic studies, HDS nevertheless provides excellent preparation in math, science, English, and social studies. Two of my kids went to Emerson, an academically demanding school, for 6th through 8th grade. They were just as well prepared for their middle school classes at Emerson as the kids who had gone to Emerson for elementary school. And my kids, unlike the kids who had gone to Emerson for elementary school, also knew quite a bit of Hebrew and Torah.
What would you tell other parents who are considering enrolling their child at Hebrew Day School?
Sending your child to HDS rather than a free public school does require a financial sacrifice, but I think it’s worth quite a bit to help maintain the continuity of the Jewish people. And financial aid is available for those who need it.
Alumni Parent